Ever have one of those days when you find something and you are intrigued to know more about it. Well today was one of those days. I decided to help my step mom and dad do some redecorating in there dining room/ kitchen today and we discovered something that struck that curiosity in me.
Their kitchen cabinets have a shelf top to them that I had decorated with those little lighted houses and faux snow for Christmas and I had used some vintage books for height for some of the houses to give it some dimension. I wanted to change the theme for February and display some of their other treasured collectibles. My mom and dad were huge antique collectors and Twila, my step mom, loves to collect tea cups and crystal. I'll share more on this later, but back to my quest for help.
When we got to looking at some of the books, we discovered two vintage religious postcards in them. The book had a date of 1883 in it. These postcards have never been used. With not much information on them, I have tried to find information about them on the Internet, but not having much luck. I'm hoping someone in the blog world can guide me in the right direction to find some history on these cards or answer my questions.
The best I can tell is that they are from a set of 16 religious postcards. The titles of them are "The Baby Moses" and "Joseph Hunting His Brothers". They were copyrighted by Standard Pub Company. "The Baby Moses" was also dated 1909.
I would like to know what the other 14 postcards are and possibly who made them and when.
I sure hope some of my vintage savvy bloggers can cure my curiosity in these postcards.
I didn't get any pictures of them today,but I will post pictures of them tomorrow, along with my process of decorating the dining room/kitchen.
I've had so many inspirations from several bloggers and I can't wait to let the creative juices start flowing.
Good Night,
Style Showcase 283
3 days ago
Did you try to research the copyright company?? Also wondering what you ever decided to do with those very cool ceiling tiles?? My friend had a bunch out in her "falling-down" barn and sold me a couple--they are like 16 by 16 and my husband framed them with barnwood. They hang on the wall going up the stairs--they have a little peeling paint, but makes it look rustic--I've also seen lots of people use them to roof birdhouses, which looks neat too. Will look forward to checking out some of your fave blog sites--I also have a passion for decorating as well as antiqueing!