Happy March 1st Everyone!!!
I can't believe February is gone and March is here. I'm excited that spring is right around the corner and that I will finally be able to be outside transforming a lot of my thrifty finds to treasures, but in the same sense I'm overwhelmed because I have so many projects started inside that I didn't get finished this last month. I'm not sure where all my time goes. Hopefully spring fever will kick in and give me the extra boost I need.
I thought today I would share a little about myself and family and the projects we have going on here at the farm.
I've been married to my wonderful husband for 19 years now. We have two wonderful boys. The oldest graduated last year and the youngest will graduate this year. I can't believe that they have grown up so fast, the last few years have been such a whirlwind. We finally bought a small farm with a older home that is in need of a little TLC in July 2008. The home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, which I thought would be big enough, but its not. The house we lived in before had 2 bedrooms and a bath upstairs and a full basement with 4 separate room, one being the laundry room. Needless to say I'm struggling with fitting all of my "stuff" in the new house. My vision when we purchased the house was to add on, but so far that hasn't happened either and probably won't happen for a while either.
So this weekend I decided it was time to make this work for me, even if it means I have to PURGE , then PURGE it will be. Which if you knew me, you would know that is a hard word for me to say..
I started this weekend with the little room that was originally added on to the house when we bought it. When I first moved in, it was going to be the mud/laundry room because it had washer and dryer hook ups in it. Well that didn't last long because the hook ups weren't really hooked up, they were just there in the wall and never finished. So I decided it would make a cute sewing room and office for me. Right... It didn't take long the the guys to take it over and I moved out. Where did I move, you ask, well all over the house and I really do think I could be nominated for American Messiest House TV show.
A decision was made for the room to become the MAN CAVE !!!! My husband loves fishing and hunting, so the theme was easy. I already had a lot of the decorating items, so it should be not to hard to do. Although getting the guys to help might be.
My goal starting this last weekend is to take one room a week and work on it until I have everything in its place and organized. Each day I will try to post my accomplishes for the day or my mishaps for the day.
So the old saying "In Like a Lion - Out Like A Lamb". Well lets see if that happens at my house this month. Stay tuned daily for the updates.
Style Showcase 283
2 days ago