Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Blog

Hello Everyone

Sorry I haven't been in to blog lately, but life has been a whirlwind. Spring has sprung and along with that comes those end of the year school events, tax season, and yard work. The end of the school year brings many milestone events for me and my family. Our youngest will graduate next month. Yes, mom is kind of starting to melt down, but we have so much to look forward to also. This is the time that we have worked so hard for as parents. Preparing them for the future..

Along with all these lifes tasks, I have started a new adventure. A friend of mine asked me to join her and some of her friends in a ladies fellowship group that will be reading a book together.

Of course, I jumped on the idea of the fellowship of other christain women. We will be reading a book and then meeting to share our thoughts about the book. I'm so excited. I have a new found love to read. So I decided to blog about my adventures of reading. I will be sharing my insights into the books I am reading and hope you will join in with me.

Check out my blog at

Have a blessed weekend everyone !!!!!